Storing command line flags as environment variables

When searching through our site repo, I find myself frequently excluding the same directories, due to my search results being flooded by maddeningly long ugly lines of CSS, javascript and other pointless crap:

egrep -ri SomeSearchTerm \
  --exclude-dir=_site \
  --exclude-dir=vendor \

I found that I was able to shorten this considerably by excluding multiple directories at the same time:

$ egrep -ri SomeSearchTerm --exclude-dir={assets,_site,vendor} ./*

But I still got tired of typing that over and over, so I thought I’d export it as an environment variable:

$ export EXCLUDE_DIRS="--exclude-dir={assets,_site,vendor}"

To my surprise, it didn’t work, but the reason it didn’t work turned out to be pretty interesting.

This gives me the results I want (excluding search results from the assets, _site and vendor directories):

$ egrep -r SearchTerm --exclude-dir={assets,_site,vendor} ./*

Lo, to my confusion, this does not:

$ export EXCLUDE_DIRS="--exclude-dir={assets,_site,vendor}"
$ egrep -r SearchTerm $EXCLUDE_DIRS ./

Why doesn’t it work?!


$ echo --exclude-dir={a,b,c}
--exclude-dir=a --exclude-dir=b --exclude-dir=c

Smart right? The shell performs brace expansion on {a,b,c}. Except it only does this when passed directly, not when it’s stored as an environment variable. Foiled!

eval $() to the rescue

The solution:

$ export EXCLUDE_DIRS="eval $(echo --exclude-dir={assets,_site,vendor,_posts,api})"
$ egrep -r Service $EXCLUDE_DIRS ./*

No more stupid scrolling walls of minified CSS!

There’s more

As pointed out by @Matthieu_xyz, spaces will try to ruin everything:

$ echo --exclude-dir={w,t,f}                        # yay :)
--exclude-dir=w --exclude-dir=t --exclude-dir=f

$ echo --exclude-dir={w, t, f}                      # nay :(
--exclude-dir={w, t, f}

So if you really need a space, just escape it:

$ echo --exclude-dir={y,\ a,\ y}
--exclude-dir=a --exclude-dir= b --exclude-dir= c
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